Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Chemotherapy a week in

Well this time last week I was very nervous of the treatment ahead, I still am but have only 3 days of tablets left to take. Despite the weather I have been out walking with Rory the dog which helps me keep my head in the right place, too much Radiohead :) 
No side effects so far other than constantly eating and feeling the need for super fresh green veg as well as eating lots of apples. 
I gave notice on my rental house today as it is not fit for someone with my needs to live in step stairs and a damp kitchen also adding to the problem is the lack of a walk in shower. The hospital where not happy for me to return there so my poor mum has to put up with me in the mean time. Thanks Mum :) 

Talking of a cut back in independence I was meant to be traveling to Turin this week to attend Slow Food Terra Madra via Paris and Lyon on the TGV ah well always next year :) 
Have fun everyone ! 
For lunch today I cooked pasta with broccoli lots of garlic lemon juice a real health kick at 12 every morning I start off taking my meds and lots of water while my porridge soaks. Jumbo organic oats with prunes, dates, cinnamon and nutmeg topped of with flax seeds and a little honey. I had given up coffee for a while but back on a morning cup not too strong just to get the system going. 
Very glad this treatment has not effected my taste buds like radiotherapy did but still early days brush my teeth many times to get rid of the taste of the meds.  Steroids, Kepra, Chemo drugs and a few anti sickness. 
Going to check out a project I helped start in Holywood tomorrow Redburn Community Cafe, by all sounds it has been going very well. Next step is a community kitchen when I am back up on my feet. 

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