Monday, 29 April 2013

Quick and easy salads

Just before the weekend I felt a bit warmer when out walking the dog, so I turned my mind to what to serve at lunch time for my bread course at Belfast Cookery School. Soups are a winter favourite but I wanted to encourage the seasons on the spring and summer so what better than a salad. So after a tutorial in Belfast on Saturday I walked down to St Georges market to see what would inspire me. Wandering around I spotted some fantastic little red cabbages and korabi so coleslaw popped into my head a nice french dressing apple, mint, celery and a fennel bulb. The mint I grow myself in a few pots in the garden, the next veg to appeal to me was celeriac which make a very good remoulade. So two great salads to go with bread for a relaxed lunch.

A bright tasty coleslaw just grate the veg and add a nice french dressing and mint to garnish.

Celeriac remoulade made easy first mix a good mayo with mustard and lemon juice mix together taste and season prepare celeriac grate it and stir in mayo mix until all is coated. 

Try for your veg and make sure you book a course with Belfast Cookery School - 
Also Robyn's Nest Cookery School in Swords